
Inside the world's first beauty contest for artificial intelligence models

We are at a point in the collective history of humanity where we must stop questioning whether we are living in an episode of Black Mirror or not The Universe is clearly taking it as a challenge and stepping up its effort to outdo itself with ever more baffling inventions.

While we were busy worrying about AI becoming sentient and enslaving humanity, the AI ​​in question was busy learning regressive human customs such as organizing beauty pageants and creating their own version of it.

For example, a beauty contest for models and influencers who do not exist in real life but have been artificially generated using computer programs. sigh

The World AI Creator Awards (WAICA) will have artificial models and influencers (yes, they exist) competing against each other for prize money and, we assume, bragging rights among other computer-generated beings.

The contest, which claims to be the “first global awards program dedicated to recognizing the achievements of AI creators worldwide,” has partnered with Fanvue, a subscription-based social platform for AI-based creators. Because no woman can escape unrealistic beauty and social standards, either real or artificially generated, the pageant will judge contestants based on three parameters: beauty, technology and social influence.

Models and influencers will need to be technically sound, popular on social media platforms like Instagram, beautiful (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!), prepared and able to answer traditional pageant questions like “If you could have a dream to make the world a better place , what would it be?”, which would be fed to the AI ​​model as a warning.

The cherry on top of this bizarre sundae is the panel of judges. These AI-generated beauties will be judged by four “people”. There's Sally-Ann Fawcett, beauty pageant historian and author, Andrew Bloch, entrepreneur and PR consultant, and two AI-generated influencers because who better to judge AI-generated models than two “women” who exist because of the directions they give to aa. computer program.

While Fawcett insisted, in an interview with Forbesthat the pageant expects diverse standards of beauty and seeks to celebrate technology, the AI-generated influencers we've seen so far, including the two esteemed panel judges, subscribe to traditional beauty standards with their flawless, humane skin. -impossible proportions.

These artificial contestants (and their real creators) will compete for a cash prize of $5,000 and PR support worth more than $5,000. They will also be promoted on the Fanvue platform, whose co-founder Will Monanage hopes this will become the “Oscars of the AI ​​creator economy.”

Now that you're all stuck on the weird side of the Internet for the day, back to regular programming!

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