
Features, Pricing, Benefits and Review


Novel is a cutting-edge What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor that marries the familiar user experience of Notion with the advanced capabilities of AI-powered autocompletions. Designed to enhance productivity and streamline the writing process, Novel offers a seamless interface with intuitive tools that cater to both casual and professional writers.


  • Notion-Style Interface: Enjoy the ease and flexibility of the beloved Notion workspace.
  • AI-Powered Autocompletions: Leverage AI to predict and suggest text as you type.
  • WYSIWYG Editing: Visualize the end product in real-time as you edit.
  • Compatibility: Works well with various formats and integrates into different workflows.
  • Documentation Support: Access comprehensive documentation to maximize the tool’s utility.

How It Works

  1. Engage with the Novel editor by starting to type in the Notion-style interface.
  2. Experience AI-powered autocompletions offering real-time predictive text.
  3. Edit and format your content with the WYSIWYG capabilities, seeing live updates as you make changes.
  4. Utilize the available documentation to understand all the features and shortcuts Novel offers.
  5. Incorporate Novel into your writing process to enhance efficiency and productivity.


  • Intuitive Design: Easy-to-use interface that reduces the learning curve.
  • Enhanced Productivity: AI autocompletions speed up the writing process.
  • Real-Time Visualization: Instantly see how your document will appear when published.
  • Seamless Integration: Implement Novel into various writing projects and platforms.
  • Support Resources: Comprehensive documentation is available to help you navigate and utilize the editor fully.


For detailed pricing information, users are encouraged to visit the Novel website. Novel may offer different pricing tiers or subscription models to cater to different user needs, from casual writers to professional teams.


As Novel is a relatively new offering in the world of WYSIWYG editors, user reviews and testimonials will provide valuable insights into its performance and user satisfaction. Prospective users should look for feedback on ease of use, the effectiveness of AI autocompletions, and overall improvements in the writing process.


Novel represents the next step in the evolution of writing tools, combining the simplicity of Notion’s WYSIWYG editing with the smart capabilities of AI. Whether drafting a blog post, compiling documentation, or crafting a novel, this editor is poised to become an indispensable part of the creative toolkit for writers who seek efficiency and innovation.


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